
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Day 40–42 (fri-sun): update and creative stuff

Health wise still not at my best: I can hardly eat. Stomach is painful and stubborn for some reason, I’m hoping it will pass soon. (Might be just a virus going through my system, but you can’t do anything about it, just wait it out.)

I’m going to give my body the time it needs to heal and in meanwhile I also did some more backgrounds.

Loved how this one came out!
Loved how the above one came out!! Napkins, gesso and self made alcohol sprays!

These are still ok if I want to achieve a more shabby background. (cheap chalk pastel above and water-soluble chalk pastel: both fixed)

Love love love this one! Inkpads and white gesso… Yum!!

I love the colors, but I don’t like the fabric for inside a journal. (Neocolor II)

Cheap gel crayons that are soluble (would be ok as a shabby background, but they have trouble moving around.) And again not too fond of the fabric.

I also did some playing around with different mediums:

As you can see I tested various mediums. Sometimes I feel that i haven’t got the faintest idea how to work with watercolors, but gouache goes perfectly fine. (Probably a bit too uptight with watercolors and being more loose with gouache.)

In meanwhile, I have another background drying in my art journal. But it is still far from done. That one will become an actual spread this time. No sneak peeks yet! Patience!

I hope you are healthy and creative and are having a good time!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mieke, een virus of zo... Pff... Ambetant hé.
    En toch nog creatief bezig zijn. Dat verdient een dikke pluim.
    Verschillende mediums uitproberen, da's altijd boeiend en leuk... En zelfs als het tegenvalt, je leert er altijd wel uit... Dikke knuffel...
