
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day 4: Keep showing up

It is beautiful weather outside: the sun is shining and the temperature is not too hot nor too cold. It’s perfect!
I went on a bikeride to my physical therapist (for my neck and shoulders).
The idea was to make a picture, but with my index finger having problems (something with ligaments) and the realization that you use your index finger for a LOT of things, I forgot…
Taping my index finger to another finger should help relief some of the pain… We shall see Smile

Aside from being on the ‘pain-table’, I also managed to pay all the bills. Plus I also did some admin work that was winking at me. Two boxes of my todo-list checked!

For the first time in weeks I’m feeling a tiny bit better, more hopeful. I know I still have a long way to go to recover from my setback. But I do know that showing up to this page, even if I’m not feeling like it, will help me.

The subject I was trying to talk about yesterday was the Big negative me versus the Tiny positive me.
Big negative me was telling me how I was not worthy of anything.
While Tiny positive me had to yell with a small voice: Excuse me! Don’t listen to this giant bully! You are doing the best you can at this moment. You’re going to be ok!

The illustration for those two are shaping up in my mind, but not ready to be put on paper yet. Maybe tomorrow.

I hope you have a pleasant day/evening and I’ll see you tomorrow!
