
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Day 16: Sluggish day number two and simple art

As the title says: another day to drag my body through, because there was hardly any energy. But! I did do quite a lot of household, and I even managed a simple piece of art.
I found my old journal where I did expressive art in 2013 and 2014. At a certain point I had used too much water, and some of the pages came loose. At that time I felt like it was a disaster. My beautiful art journal ruined. So I closed it up, and put it far away.
Today, I was reminded of a certain piece of art I did, where I expressed how someone made me feel. I took another look at all the pages and realized that it was a shame not to use the book any further. So much potential left inside those pages.

Since I talked about simple art a few days ago, I decided to make a background of very cheap chalk pastels, (on top of a layer of gesso) move it around with fingers and a piece of kitchen towel, I outlined the words on the pages and then filled them in with permanent marker.
(The words were something that were calling to me, and I just had to use them.)


So yes, it is something arty. Not very difficult, but I did express myself and used some creative muscles today.

Those kind of things are calling to me. I might have added some doodles… And maybe I still will on a later date, when I want to be reminded of those words again. But for now this is good enough.

Hope you all had a good (arty) day!

See you tomorrow!

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